Medical Articles
Complete genome sequences of 12 lytic phages against multidr…
Genomic analyses of agronomic traits in tea plants and relat…
Is in-kind kinder than cash? The impact of money vs. food ai…
Survival Following Diagnosis of HIV-Associated Kaposi Sarcom…
The Prevalence and Genotype Distribution of Hepatitis C Viru…
The built environment is more predictive of cardiometabolic …
Complete genome sequences of four lytic bacteriophages again…
Rethinking livestock encroachment at a protected area bounda…
Sexual practices, their influencers, and utilization of HIV …
Spatiotemporal modeling of the potential impact of climate c…
Teaching critical thinking about health information and choi…
Unmasking the complexities of healthcare access in low-resou…
The political stakes of cancer epistemics
Molecular epidemiology and evolutionary characteristics of d…
The effects of climatic and non-climatic factors on malaria …